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Will Carlson

Program Director/2016 Austin Marathon Ambassador/2017 26.2 with DONNA Ambassador

Will Carlson is a person who went from a high school, high energy super jock into the Pillsbury Dough Boy in 25 years.  This transition wasn't a pretty one! Having no energy and being 35 lbs. overweight something had to be done.

The suggestion came from his family that he needed to lose weight! While coaching a little league baseball game there was a local 5K race going by.  Some folks were walking and some were running as they went by.  One of the coaches pointed out, "If I couldn't run the whole race I wouldn't of entered."
Wow a challenge was born, run a 5K race all the way!  How far is a 5K race anyway?  Well day one as he set out the door (remembering his high school running days) there was a humbling experience coming.  About a half mile in he couldn't breath and his body didn't like his new plan of running.
Will decided to do his training much more different from then on and increased his distance one or two trees at a time.  After two months he finished the 5K and in doing so the weight started coming down. Will increased his running challenge to a 10K and then a half marathon, then finally a full marathon!
After now completing 74 marathons and doing several training programs Will want others to be able to avoid his mistakes in training. Some of the marathons were Chicago, L.A., Boston, New York, Marine Corp., Tucson, Houston, and Austin many times.
Now instead of being the Pillsbury Dough Boy Will trains beginner to marathon runners.  Since 2005 Will has had the privilege to train over 2100 runners.
Everybody has the right to regain the energy and youthful feeling they once had.  Will’s seminars and training will show folks a one, two, three, I'm running approach to life.

Bob Stephens

Asst. Program Director

Bryan Allen

Pace Group Leader

I ran when I was in the Navy but only when I had to.  I decided to join Galloway to spend time with Carla when we were dating.  Running with others is more fun than running alone.  You also never know what we will see on our training runs. 

Carla Allen

Pace Group Leader

I started running with Galloway during the May 2010 Getting Started Group.  I wanted to figure out why people liked running, how to get faster, and travel for bling.  I couldn't run a mile without stopping to walk.  I can now but I prefer not to!  I had so much fun during Getting Started that I got talked into joining the half program.  I have had friends join and run with me through the years and I have also made many friends.  Austin Galloway will make sure you get to the finish line and have fun doing it! 

Michael Clayton

Pace Group Leader

Group leader since 2008, I came to the program, on a dare from a friend.  They said that they were going to run a half marathon and they dared me that I wouldn't be able to finish a half marathon.  So of course, I immediately registered for the program, even though I was completely out of shape.  I actually even drove to my mail box at the end of the drive way.  On my first visit, I was OBVIOUSLY the most out of shape person there.  I stood of to the side and just observed Will talk about the program, and when he said "we take walk breaks" I immediately thought to myself, "real runners don't walk" and basically decided I would just ignore his instructions.  We went out for our first run, and I was wheezing and gasping for air so bad my group leader Gloria Bins kept drifting to the back and asking discretely "are you ok".  After that run, I realized how badly out of shape I was and that maybe I wasn't the fitness expert I thought I was.  So I thought I would just follow the program and see where it takes me... on our next group run, my group leader Gloria immediately came over and gave me a big hug and said how happy she was that I came back, she then introduced me to couple of other people... I have tried many of the other training programs and none of them had ever made me feel so welcome, even if you're not a "typical marathon runner type".... and the rest is history.  5 full marathons and 23 half marathons and countless 10k's and 5k's later I have officially "drank the koolaid" and I would never even think of training any other way.  Not only has the Galloway program reignited my love of running, but I have join a FAMILY... I have never meet a better group of people who genuinely care how I am and will walk through fire to make sure I reach ANY goals I've set for me self.  Don't read this and take me word for it, just come out and try the program I guarantee it will work for you too!


Amy Allin

Pace Group Leader

I started Galloway with the Getting Stated Program with a goal to run a half marathon.  I accomplished that goal thanks to Coach Will Carlson and the support of the group.  I have been running with Galloway for the last 6 years and during that time have had several surgeries (knee, hip ) and recovered quickly thanks to the Galloway interval running program.  As a nurse for 40 years I encourage new runners to adopt a healthy lifestyle to compliment their running program. Galloway running is more than "just a running group" it is compromised with runners that are supportive, fun and encouraging. The philosophy that "No runner is ever left behind" translates that all the runners cross the finish line as winners.

Bill Bova

Pace Group Leader

Janet Brister

Pace Group Leader

Tammy Fontinos

Pace Group Leader

I have been with Austin Galloway since 2010.  After having knee surgery, I joined the Getting Started program and graduated onto the Half Marathon training program.  Since that time, I have completed 5 Half Marathons.  I love being a Group Leader with Galloway and helping people reach their goals.  I am cheered on during every race by my very supportive husband, Joseph and my teenage son, Edward.

Karen Hayden

Pace Group Leader / Round Rock Coach

Joshua Hsu

Pace Group Leader

Shelley Kaplar

Pace Group Leader

Shelley had been in sports since she was 6yrs old.  She figure skated competitively, played volleyball, ran track, swam competitively, and ran cross country.  Life then happened and Shelley found herself topping the scales at 215lbs.  She decided it was time to make a change and started studying the body and nutrition.  She went back to what she knew, which was running.  Shelly swore she would never run a half or a full marathon, apparently she should never say never, she has since completed 8 half marathons and 4 full marathons so far.  She's been studying the body nutritionally for over 20 years, and still practices as a Massage Therapist 2 days a week focusing on her specialty work of Bone Motility Work.  Her passion has always been to figure out how the body works, stabilizing nutritional platforms, and being active. 

Tania Kuhn

Pace Group Leader / Round Rock Coach

I’m one of the “newbies” of the group but definitely share the love of this program!  I am a major Disney geek and, after hearing that Jeff Galloway was the training consultant for the RunDisney races, I attended his running school in Austin.  I wanted the Tinker Bell Half Marathon at Disneyland to be my first half marathon.  I was fortunate enough to meet the man himself and, having just completed my first 5K, I asked Jeff when he thought I would be ready to train for a half.  I expected him to tell me that I should try a 10K or run a few more 5Ks but, to my surprise, he looked me right in the eyes and said, “you’re ready now!”  After talking to him for another 30 minutes, I figured if an Olympian believes I can do it, well the least I can do is try so I signed up for the Austin Galloway Half Marathon Training Program.  Jeff’s enthusiasm and encouragement carries on throughout his programs and, with the help and support of my fabulous coach, Will Carlson, and my amazing Galloway running buddies, I completed Tinker Bell that February!  I have since run Princess, Dumbo Double Dare and Disney World Half, in addition to completing 3 marathons, countless 5Ks and 10Ks, as well as my first 50K...all using Jeff’s run/walk intervals.  I believe in this program with all my heart and soul and am excited to be able to help others attain their running and fitness goals.  With the Galloway training programs, you CAN do it! 

Danielle McKenzie

Pace Group Leader

Jill Moore Bent

Pace Group Leader

Mary Odom

Pace Group Leader

I signed up for the January 2012 Disney World half marathon after completing a half relay with my husband.  I wasn't sure how I was going to be ready then I found Galloway!  I started with Galloway in November 2011.  In 2012 I completed the Disney World Half, the Austin Half and capped off the year with the Disneyland Half so I could get my Coast to Coast Disney medal.  Last December I participated in the inaugural Galloway Half in Atlanta.  I have also done two Ragnar Relays, a 200 mile team race, in Niagara Falls and Cape Cod.  I also enjoy doing 5K's and 10 K's.  My husband helped me start running and Galloway helped me keep going.  I have 2 sons, one is graduating from UT and my other son is an Aggie.  I work in Special Education at East View HS in Georgetown. 



Pete Peters

Pace Group Leader

Diane Sager

Pace Group Leader

 I run.  Sometimes.  A little.  Every once in a while.

Tom & Vicky Springer

Pace Group Leaders

Tom and Vicky Springer are among the true veterans of the Austin Galloway program, having been members since before Will Carlson began as its director over 10 years ago.  They are both a testament to the Galloway run/walk method.  Neither of them were athletes when they were young (in fact, Tom absolutely loathed running!).  Having avoided endurance sports for most of their lives, they first developed a shared interest in distance running when they were in their 50’s.  Now, they’ve each run more than 20 marathons and have combined their enjoyment of running with their love for travel, seeking out full or half marathons in interesting places around the world.  In addition to having run the Austin marathon 7 times, they’ve run marathons in places like Rome, Toronto, Prague, and Athens.  Their six grandchildren are all physically active.  The oldest of them, now 18, began running with her grandparents when she was a bit over 5 years old – she’s now run 3 half marathons with them.  Using Jeff  Galloway’s scientifically-based approach to running, Tom and Vicky have become lifelong distance runners and enjoy a healthy lifestyle based on regular long-duration, moderate-effort exercise.  But as our beloved director Will Carlson likes to say, “wait – there’s more!” it’s not just about fitness.  The Austin Galloway training program has introduced them to an utterly non-judgmental group of fun people, who share the satisfaction of meeting challenges and building confidence, while in the process, making amazing friends.

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